Drillsite 15 Oct 010
Mast enclosure fitting to rod ramp
Peter Cleary(?) and others taking readings
Communication| Peter Cleary| Steve Weaver making radio contact with Scott Base
Con Faber and Peter Cleary with dogs en route to Blue Glacier
The ANDRILL site October 2006
The ANDRILL site. All the buildings are in place and the white enclosure to keep the mast warm is in place, October 2006
Leningradskaya Base - General Rubbish in area around base
Broken Test Tubes and Other Equipment Outside Buildings at Leningradskaya
Leningradskaya Base
Lenigradskaya Base - Looking East
Leningradskaya Buildings
Con Faber & Pete Cleary with dogs
Steve Weaver & Peter Cleary
Peter Cleary and Dogs under Mount Lister
Fokker plane remains. Marie Byrd Land
Peter Cleary and Steve Weaver on the ice runway