Project work is starting to take off and we are starting to achieve some milestones. Blake has spent the last week with Geoff the sparky, learning the toys of the trade. Peter has been work closely with Damo the plumber. We have nearly finished the wall linings in lab one and achieved a large part of the fire rated ceiling, running across two rooms.
We have also unfortunately been woken up by two false fire alarms last week. One at 1:30am Friday and the second at 7am Sunday morning (which was our day off!). The on call fire crew had a great response both times, and did a great job considering they were all woken up unexpectedly.
There is a bit of a buzz around Scott Base at the moment, with an Aurora alert out. This means that in the next 48 hours there is a high chance of Auroras. As Peter is a budding young photographer, I'm sure he'll try his hardest to get some photos for next week’s blog.
Fireman PeteFire crew responding to a call outWall liningsFire rating ceilingFireman Pete
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Apprent-ICE Blog #15. Antarctica NZ, accessed 08/09/2024,