DescriptionScience| Chemistry| Doug Sheppard| Chad Dick at mercury siteDepictsDoug SheppardChad DickPhotographerUnknownSeason1987-1988Date Taken1987-1988 SeasonOriginalFilmNo. People2-5
KeywordTaxonomy (OLD)Science|Atmospheric sciences|NotesTesting air for pollutants. Camping on the East Antarctic plateau for two months to test the air for pollutants last summer were three scientists and one field assistant. At an approximate latitude of 78degS| 140 deg E| they endured eight weeks of "thin sun" with a constant wind-chill temperature of around -40deg.C.Leader of the party was Chad Dick from DSIR Chemistry in Wellington. He was assisted by John Patterson from the same organisation and David Wylie from the University of Auckland. The field leader was John Gee from Tokoroa. They were flown into the field on November 24 in a C-130 Hercules with 3500kg of fuel and equipment which was then man hauled two kilometres from the landing area to avoid contamination of the site from the aircraft. Sampling was subsequently carried out approximately 200m upwind of the camp. Low volume air samples were collected in suction pumps using small filters and returned to New Zealand where they are being analysed for rock dust| sea-salt| sulphate and nitrate aerosol particles| while high volume samples| collected alongside by similar methods will be analysed for methane sulphonic acid| (an important species in the atmospheric sulphur cycle)| and for toxic organic compounds such as dioxins
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