Event NameCanterbury University| Weddell Seal study| 1973-1974AbstractThe objectives of this event were: (1) to contimue Canerbury University's populations studies on the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) in Southern McMurdo Sound. As the University's tagging programme in 1972-1973 season| studies this last season were laregely restricted to resighting og previously tagged seals and to censusing the population. (2) To assess the feasability of a long term behavioural study of the Weddell seal at the Turk's Head colony. (3) to survey and map the remains of mummified seals in the Taylor Valley. (4) To collect data from the seals killed for dog food. (5) To study the seal populations amogst teh pack ice. No logistics were avaiable for this aspect of the programme and it was not carried out.PersonnelIT ClementLocationsCape RoydsScott BaseCape EvansLake ChadTurk's HeadCape BirdGeolocation[1] Position[2] Position[3] Position[4] PositionSeason1973-1974