Event NameNZ Oceanographic Institute| Antarctic Operations| 1970-1971AbstractTwo of the party arrived at Scott Base on Sunday 20th December and a tide guage was installed by the Nuclear power plant salt water outlet on the 24th. By months end No1 hole had been dug through the annual ice in front of base and preliminary current measurment taken. The assistance of an eplosives crew from USCG 'Staten Island" was procured for the blasting of a series of holes on the ice shelf agjacent to the permanant/annual ice interface. A series of programmes were carried out over a period of several days. The programmes included current and tide measirement and biological sampling. good results were obtained before rapid deterioration in the ice conditions made further work unsafe and this work was stopped. At the end of the month this party's boat had just arrived and further work will be done from the boat. Two programmes were carried out from the 'Staten Island'.PersonnelGFR HicksRA HeathLocationsScott BaseGeolocation[1] PositionSeason1970-1971