Event NameVUWAE 7 to Lake Bonney 1962/63AbstractTemperaturew profiles were measured in 11 holes. Of these the first two were shallow and of limited use| the lst included readings at a few depths only and one contained an equipment error induced by last minute haste. The remaining seven profiles should provide good information. A radiation profile was measured once only| and was hampered by cloud. While Benseman and Shirtcliffe were engaged in these measurements| Popplewell investigated and collected samples from melt streams at the eastern end of the lake.| and also valuable set of samples from one hole in the lake. Chloride analysis was completed on these samples in the field as insurance against their loss| and further analysis will be continuing for some time on the laboratory.PersonnelTGL Shirtcliffe (Leader)RF BensemanKB PopplewellLocationsScott BaseLake BonneyGeolocation[1] Position[2] PositionSeason1962-1963