Event NameVUWAE (1961-1962)AbstractLake Vanda is shown to be a natural example of the trapping and storing of solar energy by salt water density gradient. The bottom of this lake (218ft) is maontained at 25°c despite a mean annual air temperature of about -20°c| the solar heating is being limited to the short Antarctic Summer. Lke Vanda is permanently covered with about 12ft of ice and is five miles long and a mile wide. It occupies a depression in the lowerst part of the Wright Valley| Victoria Land| Antarctica. In the summer of 1960-1961 an American biological party discovered that its bottom waters were warm and hightly saline. The VUWAE party studied the chemistry and physics of the lake and the geology of the surrounding area during the first half of November 1961.PersonnelAT WilsonHW Wellmanboth Victoria University of WellingtonLocationsLake VandaLower Wright GlacierMt BoreasMiller GlacierApaocalypse PeaksLake VidaTaylor ValleyLake VashkaGeolocation[1] Position[2] Position[3] Position[4] Position[5] Position[6] PositionSeason1961-1962