Apprent-ICE Blog #4
This week has been huge in recreation (without compromising work of course!). Both of us became Antarctic Historic Hut Guides, allowing us the opportunity to visit and take visitors through some amazing places frozen in time. The most local to Scott Base is Discovery Hut, built by Robert Falcon Scott during the Discovery Expedition in 1902, which is located at Hut Point on Ross Island just over the hill by McMurdo Station. We visited the Hut and found it has been very well preserved. All of the contents are original and have been left as they were when the last men left 100 years ago.
On Thursday, both of us competed in the intercontinental race. Runners from NZ and US (some in costume), ran from McMurdo to Scott Base and back again - a difficult task, but none the less an enjoyable change to show up the Americans once again.
A 'Fam Trip' was organised for Sunday morning, we travelled 30 min in a Hagglund to Castle Rock, where we climbed to the peak which had spectacular views over Mount Erebus and McMurdo Sound. Most of the sea ice has broken out; making for a very different landscape compared to what was there just a week ago.
On our way back we visited the ski field where most of the summer staff was having their final run on the slope before heading back to NZ this week.
As the base population is reduced to about 30, the winter crew and HFC team staying until April were run through Mouse training to take over from the 'Comms' duties previously performed by NZDF staff during summer. Mouse Duty is being responsible for the whereabouts of all staff that are traveling off base, ensuring their safety, and also doing a nightly round the base check to ensure machines are operational, exits are clear and everything is in ship shape.
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