The Dave Skinner Chorale
D Skinner Geologising on Inexpressible Island
Steeply Dipping Strata
Limestone Block with Current Bedding picked out by Quartz Flakes
Sheerzone in Limestone Forming Recrystalised Slickenside
Hells Gate, Inexpressible Island
Seaview Bay, Inexpressible Island
Huntley and Palmer's biscuits, Hells Gate depot
Depot, Hells Gate
The plaque, Seaview Bay
Site of plaque
Poles and Ice Axe
The snow bank with cave remains, Inexpressible Island
Penguin carcasses- Winter food, Inexpressible Island snow cave
Priestly's anorak held by D Skinner
Dave Skinner Receives Resupply in Field
The Terrible Four
Browning Pass- Terra Nova Bay
Field chores- Event 2
Establishing radio contact
Dave Skinner Standing on a 'Kettle'
Whiteout conditions, Southern Party