001 April 2008: Wind Turbine 1 Steel Foundation Leg being fabricated, Lyttelton Engineering, Christchurch (Photo: Scott Bennett)
002 April 2008: Wind Turbine 1 Steel Foundation fabrication, Leighs Construction Ltd, Christchurch (Photo: Scott Bennett)
003 September 2008: Wind Turbine 2 Steel Foundation Trial Assembly, Leighs Construction Ltd, Christchurch (Photo: Scott Bennett)
004 September 2008: Drilling the Wind Turbine 1 Steel Foundation Flange with high accuracy, Track Industries Ltd, Christchurch (Photo: Scott Bennett)
005 September 2008: Completed Wind Turbine 1 Steel Foundation on display at Antarctic Festival, Christchurch (Photo: Scott Bennett)
006 February 2009: Wind Turbine 1 Steel Foundation being assembled at Crater Hill (Photo: Scott Bennett)
007 February 2009: Wind Turbine 1 Steel Foundation Leg being lifted & bolted in place at Crater Hill (Photo: Scott Bennett)
008 February 2009: The Project Team on assembled Wind Turbine 1 Steel Foundation, Crater Hill, Ross Island (Photo: Scott Bennett)
009 February 2009: Assembled Wind Turbine 3 Foundation & Transformer Building on last day of Summer Season (Photo: Scott Bennett)
010 February 2009: Wind Turbine 3 Foundation final levelling & bolting after the winter settlement freeze cycle (Photo: Scott Bennett)
011 February 2009: Final precision tightening of the 832 bolts per Turbine Foundation (Photo: Scott Bennett)
PhotographerScott BennettProgrammeK427 - Ross Island Wind Energy (RIWE)EventK427-0910Date TakenBetween 1st April 2008 and 28th February 2009Season2009-2010OriginalDigitalNo. People>10GeoLocation[1]
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