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- Photo155
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- Chris Rudge 22
- Gillian Wratt 15
- R Unwin 11
- D Rogers 6
- Guy Mannering 6
- Nicola Holmes 6
- Yvonne Martin 6
- Carlo Mauri 5
- Linda Harrison 5
- Colin Monteath 4
- Kim Westerskov 4
- A C Bibby 3
- C Hughes 3
- G B McKenty 3
- J W Beagley 3
- Jack McConchie 3
- Neville Peat 3
- Ange Davidson 2
- Arnold J Heine 2
- S Cooper 2
- Wendy Shaw 2
- Brian McKerrow 1
- D Hodge 1
- David Geddes 1
- Elizabeth Bulleid 1
- Emma Waterhouse 1
- Garth Varcoe 1
- Greg Mortimer 1
- Jack Calvert 1
- Janet Bertaud 1
- Keith Lyons 1
- P Selwyn 1
- Patrick Maher 1
- Peter Otway 1
- Richard (Dick) K McBride 1
- S Pryamikov 1
- Tim Naish 1
- W R Logie 1
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- McMurdo Sound 23
- McMurdo Station 17
- Scott Base 7
- Winter Quarters Bay 5
- Hut Point 4
- Terra Nova Bay 3
- Campbell Island 2
- Cape Evans 2
- Cape Roberts 2
- Hallett Station 2
- Ross Sea 2
- Adare Trough 1
- Balleny Islands 1
- Butler Point 1
- Cape Bird 1
- Cape Hallett 1
- Cape Royds 1
- Deception Island 1
- Dorian Bay 1
- Hut Point Peninsula 1
- Paradise Bay 1
- Staten Island Heights 1
- Weddell Sea 1
- Wellington 1
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- 1987-1988 22
- 1960-1961 17
- 1993-1994 12
- 1962-1963 9
- 1967-1968 9
- 1956-1957 8
- 1992-1993 8
- 1991-1992 7
- 1986-1987 6
- 1982-1983 5
- 1965-1966 4
- 1984-1985 4
- 1957-1958 3
- 1961-1962 3
- 1968-1969 3
- 1995-1996 3
- 2003-2004 3
- 1963-1964 2
- 1964-1965 2
- 1980-1981 2
- 1988-1989 2
- 1989-1990 2
- 1990-1991 2
- 1994-1995 2
- 1956-1958 1
- 1966-1967 1
- 1969-1970 1
- 1971-1972 1
- 1975-1976 1
- 1976-1977 1
- 1977-1978 1
- 1983-1984 1
- 1985-1986 1
- 1996-1997 1
- 2005-2006 1
- 2006-2007 1
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