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- Event11
- Photo443
- Original...
- Slide 232
- Film 130
- Print 66
- Apeture Cards 1
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- Brian McKerrow 79
- B McKerrow 40
- Richard K McIvor 39
- George Lewis 36
- Unknown 33
- R McKerrow 12
- Robert Baden Thomson 12
- Graeme Connell 8
- P Hyde 8
- M Hawke 7
- Dave Skinner 4
- Alison Welch 1
- Brian Jackson 1
- Chris Rickards 1
- D Roberts 1
- G Levi 1
- Janet Bertaud 1
- Jim Barker 1
- Kim Westerskov 1
- Nicola Holmes 1
- Robert McKerrow 1
- S Cooper 1
- Sergey Miaghov 1
- T L Spaulding 1
- Tim Higham 1
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- Scott Base 85
- Vanda Station 73
- Dry Valleys 30
- Lake Vanda 30
- Cape Evans 13
- Wright Valley 9
- Cape Royds 8
- Lower Wright Glacier 8
- Mount Ruapehu 6
- McMurdo Station 5
- Onyx River 5
- Boomerang Glacier 4
- Inexpressible Island 4
- McMurdo Sound 4
- Robert Scott Glacier 4
- Zanuck Basin 4
- Mount Erebus 3
- Terra Nova Bay 3
- Asgard Range 2
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- Mount Goodale 2
- Mount Odin 2
- Mt Odin 2
- Priestley Glacier 2
- Amundsen Glacier 1
- Antarctica 1
- Barne Glacier 1
- Bartley Glacier 1
- Black Glacier 1
- Bull Pass 1
- Corner Glacier 1
- Don Juan Pond 1
- Franklin Island 1
- Goodale Glacier 1
- Howe Glacier 1
- Hut Point Peninsula 1
- Ice Runway 1
- King Pin 1
- Labyrinth 1
- Lower Wright Valley 1
- Medina Peaks 1
- Mount Laute 1
- Mount Melbourne 1
- Mount Newall 1
- Mount Pulitzer 1
- Mount Rigby 1
- Mount Zanuck 1
- Mt Abbot 1
- Nansen Ice Sheet 1
- Observation Hill 1
- Reeves Glacier 1
- Ross Island 1
- South Pole 1
- Vaughan Glacier 1
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- K016 1
- Season...
- 1969-1970 443
- No. People...
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